Smoking affects every organ in the human body, and increases the risks of developing serious illnessessuch as cancer and heart disease. It kills people prematurely. It causes a great deal of pain and suffering for smokers, their families and friends.
Passive smoking is also a serious problem, though, and one that is perhaps undervalued in the region. Studies have shown that other people’s cigarette smoke can contain more than 4,000 chemicals, some of which are known to cause cancer. Frequently being around smokers will increase your chances of contracting heart disease, angina and lung cancer. Tobacco smoke is particularly bad for children, andyoungsters who are exposed to passive smoking are at greater risk of cot death, developing asthma, bronchitis, meningitis and even relatively minor illnesses like coughs and colds. In addition, the children of parents who smoke are three times more likely to become smokers themselves creating a vicious circle and meaning that they themselves are more likely to become victims of lung cancer.
It is also very difficult to convince children of the dangers of smoking and that they shouldn’t start if you are setting them a bad example.
Smoking has no benefits associated with it at all. If you are a smoker, you should quit immediately – for your own sake and that of your family, friends and society. Consult your health care provider to discuss the various smoking cessation options that might be available to you.