High-Intensity Interval Training

High-Intensity Interval Training Workouts

With the growing trend of working out, it is probable that you’ve seen a variety of HIIT workouts. On the internet, different classes offered in person, and different techniques you can read up on are all available to you within seconds. The real question is, what exactly are HIIT workouts and how are they beneficial for us?

High-intensity interval training, also known as HIIT, are workouts that are short bursts of aerobic exercise with short recovery periods. During the workout, you will exert as much energy as you can in a healthy way.

Great introduction to exercise, with a low commitment: If you are not ready to join a gym, HIIT workouts might be a great option for you. You can do this in the comfort of your own home, there’s no need to go to the gym. Are you in a smaller place and don’t have access to a park or large backyard? No worries – you can do HIIT workouts comfortably within your own living area.

Burning calories after workouts:  With HIIT, the process of burning calories after working out is called excess post-oxygen consumption (EPOC). A study in 2019 conducted a comparison on the different EPOC rate between steady exercises vs HIIT. Results showed that those who participated in HIIT burned three kilocalories while those participated in steady exercise burned 2.8 kilocalories.

Metabolic rates: HIIT has also been shown to improve blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure. These two factors are crucial in reducing the risk of heart disease. 

With this calorie burning in mind, HIIT might be a great idea for you if you wish to lose weight. Due to the nature of burning calories fast, many people have found this to be an effective method of exercise. In case you do not have as much time to participate in steady exercise, HIIT might be a good option for you.

These are great benefits but you might be wondering, how do I start HIIT?

You can start by adding HIIT elements to your existing workouts. You can add to your existing exercises by incorporating HIIT movements like increased speed in cycling, sprinting, or squats. If you are still curious and want to know more about HIIT workouts, consult your physician or a personal trainer to see if this workout is the right one for you.

Remember! Stretch your muscles after your workout. It is crucial you are careful with your limbs after exertion. Spend at least 5-10 minutes stretching out as part of your cool down period as it is important to keep your health first!