The Good Fats in life

The Good Fats in life

When you hear the words fatty foods, you’ll probably immediately think of unhealthy snacks, so you might be surprised to find out that healthy fats are essential in ensuring that our body functions properly.

Just like other nutrients that we need on a daily basis such as carbohydrates and protein, fat is a source of energy for our body. With the energy we receive from fats, our bodies are able to absorb the proper nutrients that help brain and heart function.

However, certain fats are unhealthy, particularly trans-fats which for the most part are produced through a processing method called partial hydrogenation. Saturated fats, which usually originate from animals, should also be limited as they can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by raising cholesterol levels in the body.

Although cholesterol is vital to our health, too much can clog our arteries. The majority of cholesterol in our bodies is produced by the liver, but we also get cholesterol from the foods we eat. By limiting our consumption of trans-fats and saturated fats, we help our liver to control the cholesterol levels within the body. Saturated fats are found in dairy products and red meat while trans-fats are typically found in processed foods.

The healthiest types of fat are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are needed for cell growth and brain function. They can be found in certain plants, nuts, oils and some fish products.

Here are some examples of foods containing healthy fats and how you can incorporate them in your daily life.

  • Avocado: Did you know avocado is a fruit? Unlike other fruits that we consume, avocados are made up of about 70% fat. Furthermore, they are a great source of potassium and fiber. You can add avocados to many different meals, and they make a great snack.
  • Oily fish: Salmon, trout, and mackerel are just a few examples of oily fish to incorporate in your diet. These fish are a good source of polyunsaturated fats and contain omega-3, a fatty acid which cannot be produced in our bodies.
  • Nuts: Almonds, peanuts, and walnuts are just a handful of options for you to include in your good fats diet. These plant-based proteins also contain magnesium and fiber. In fact, nuts can be a great solution to a mid-afternoon craving. Instead of going for a bag of crisps, replace this craving with a handful of assorted nuts.
  • Extra virgin cooking oil: This is a great source of vitamin E which is good for fighting off infections as well as vitamin K which is important for bone health and blood clotting.
  • Full fat yogurt: This is a great example of a fat that also is loaded with probiotics. Probiotics are great for your gut health and will aid in proper digestion. Other health benefits from full fat yoghurt include fighting heart disease and diabetes, but avoid yogurts with added sugar.

Slowly but gradually, these small additions to your diets will benefit you greatly. With healthy fats that benefit your body, you will find yourself feeling better and achieving better health within no time!