Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and Depression

Anyone can be affected by anxiety and depression, which may be caused by stress, health problems or bereavement, or may occur for no apparent reason at all. The most important thing to remember if you experience anxiety or depression is that you should not feel ashamed about seeking medical help or talking to a friend or relative about your problem.

Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive nervousness, fear of the unknown and excessive worry that persists for an extended period of time. Anxiety may also cause sleeplessness and in severe cases can impair the immune system and lead to illness.

Depression is characterized by feeling sad and down, lack of energy, sleeplessness and crying spells. Appetite may be altered, with the sufferer showing either a lack of interest in food or indulging in comfort eating. Anxiety and depression can occur in the same person, with sufferers sometimes going back and forth between the two conditions. Both can be caused either by genetic factors of external factors, or a combination of the two.

How to deal with anxiety and depression:

  • First of all, seek professional help. Your doctor will be able to refer you to a consultant who can offer advice and treatment. Don’t be shy – your doctor will keep the matter completely confidential and will have dealt with similar cases many times before.
  • If depression or anxiety has been caused by external factors such as stress or loss of a loved one, medical professionals may recommend coping strategies and relaxation techniques that can be learned.
  • Avoiding stressful situations such as conflicts with family or colleagues can reduce anxiety caused by stress.
  • A highly effective way of managing mood disorders is to build a strong support network of family and friends.
  • Learning to think positively can help banish depression caused by a negative mindset.
  • Eating healthily and exercising regularly help to enhance mood and feelings of self-worth and well-being.
  • In more persistent or serious cases, cognitive behavioral therapy delivered by a professional can deliver very positive results.
  • Certain types of anxiety disorder and depression may require treatment with medication, which can be very effective if administered correctly by a qualified professional.

Remember, it’s your life, your future, Your Health First.