Normalizing your routine in the time of COVID-19

Normalizing your routine in the time of COVID-19

In a time when our normal schedules are on hold, it can be difficult figuring out what to do. What time do we wake up? What time do we take a lunch break? When do we fit in certain activities? While all of this seems very confusing, you can change it very easily!

How, you ask?

With a schedule.

Schedules are important tools that instill structure in our lives. Now more than ever, when our structure is imbalanced, creating a daily schedule can radically change our day.

We all know how busy our lives can get. As we have more free time available to us, we can utilize this opportunity to create a schedule that can provide structure and help us create healthy habits for ourselves. Here are a few suggestions to add to your schedule:


Meditate for a few minutes every day. Starting your day with even a simple five-minute meditation can really set the tone for the rest of the day. Meditation can also help you to unwind before going to bed. There is a wide variety of videos on YouTube to choose from, as well as many different phone apps.


It can seem daunting to exercise daily, so start by incorporating a few minutes each day. Slowly increase your exercise routine from 15 minutes to 20 minutes and eventually to 30 minutes. You will notice that exercise is a good way to clear your mind and provide a boost to your energy level.

Plan out calls to check in with your loved ones

Be sure to schedule regular calls with your friends and family during this time. Having a daily or even weekly call to look forward to can really improve your overall mental health. Speaking to a friend or a group of friends is a great way to relax and share your experiences.

Organize your surroundings

Have some closets or drawers that need organizing? Now is the time. Even if you schedule in a short 15 minutes a day for organizing your belongings, you can get a lot accomplished within a week. Start small and work your way up. Before you know it, you’ll have a tidy and organized home!

Healthy cooking

Have you always wanted to learn how to cook? Now is the perfect opportunity. Cooking is a good, structured activity that helps you to focus. Think of it as a creative outlet. Even better, you can use this time to form healthy habits for yourself.

There are so many different recipes on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook to choose from. You can also pick from the array of recipes offered here on our website.