Dental Health

Dental Health

Dental Health is a crucial component of our overall health. We are all told to brush our teeth to avoid cavities, but how exactly are cavities formed? What habits could be affecting our oral health? There may be a few lifestyle changes that can help maintain your oral health as well as preventing diseases. Diseases like gingivitis may happen when there is a large buildup of plaque, causing inflammation of the gum. 

It is crucial that you brush twice a day, floss regularly, and visit a dentist at least twice a year. Visiting a dentist will help in tackling that tough plaque and tartar on your teeth. In addition, dentist visits can help in catching any potential diseases you may have.

When plaque builds up on our teeth, it can react with different substances. If someone is drinking a lot of sugary drinks and eating a lot of candy, the plaque reacts with the sugar to create acid. Once acid is formed, it will break down the enamel on our teeth which will break down the composition of our teeth. Over time, these small holes result in painful cavities that then need to be filled by the dentist.

In order to keep our enamel healthy, and rebuild the strength of our teeth, one should use fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride toothpaste helps in restoring the enamel on our teeth.

Now that you know about the basics, here are some specific tips to keep in mind:

Brush your teeth properly and slowly: Take two full minutes to brush your teeth. Make sure you move the brush in circular motions around all areas of your mouth. No need to brush very rigorously, as that may cause irritation in your gums. Gently brush your teeth, also remembering to brush on your gum line. Do not forget to brush your tongue as well. Plaque can build up around the tongue causing bad breath as well as other potential oral issues.

Replace your toothbrush: This is a fact that many people often forget to adhere to. It is recommended to change your toothbrush every 2-3 months. After a few months, the bristles become frayed, therefore becoming ineffective. If you notice your toothbrush fraying before the 2-3-month mark, replace it with a new one.

Limit your soda and juice intake: The acidity in these drinks can often wear down your teeth. The sugar from these drinks convert to acid, breaking down the enamel of your teeth which causes cavities to form. Try to limit your juice intake and swap it for fruit-infused water.

Floss once a day: Flossing removes plaque between your teeth that brushing does not reach and also reduces gum inflammation. You should aim to floss once a day. If you’re experiencing trouble with flossing string, you could change to a flossing pick which may be easier to use. When flossing, gently press down between your teeth and gum line in an up and down motion. Flossing too rigorously may irritate your gums.

For further questions about specific cases, be sure to consult a dentist who will advise accordingly. With these small changes, you can prevent future problems, and have a healthy and beautiful smile.