Children have always been picky eaters, and they are no different today. The eating habits of childrenchange constantly and so does the selection of their favorite foods. They will enjoy eating certain foods one day, but then the next refuse it. Parents sometimes have to accept this as a part of growing up, especially among very young children, but mums and dads shouldn’t pander to their child’s whims. Instead, they should avoid substituting the prepared meal whenever their children refuse it. This way,children realize that they cannot eat whatever they choose. Similarly, parents should avoid giving their children sweets or other high-calories foods like biscuits and sodas in between meals. Not only are they unhealthy, contributing to diabetes, obesity and tooth decay, but they also help to fill a child up, meaning they are less likely to eat their food at meal time. If a child really is hungry between meals, try offering fruit instead. In addition, providing wholemeal bread and brown rice at mealtimes will help children – and indeed adults – feel full for longer, minimizing snacking.
Here are some tips: