Folic acid for a healthy baby

Folic acid for a healthy baby

Physicians recommend pregnant women should take a folic acid supplement for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy to reduce the risk of the fetus developing neural tube defects such as spina bifida.

It is also a good idea for women to take a folic acid supplement if they are planning to become pregnant. A supplement of 400 micrograms of folic acid per day is considered optimum, but this should be increased to 5 milligrams per day if you are considered to have an increased risk of having a baby with a neural tube defect. Risk is increased if either partner has a neural tube defect or a family history of neural tube defects, if the mother has diabetes or has had an earlier pregnancy that was affected by a neural tube defect. Ask your physician for more information if think you are at increased risk of having a pregnancy affected by a neural tube defect.

The best way to get enough folic acid (also known as vitamin B9) is from a supplement, which you can check to ensure it contains exactly the right amount. Be sure to choose a reputable brand that you trust. Folic acid is most needed in the first 12 weeks because this is when the baby’s spine is developing.

It is not recommended to eat liver during pregnancy because although it is a good source of folic acid it also contains a lot of vitamin A, which can cause birth defects if too much is consumed.

Speak to your physician to find out more about folic acid to protect the health of your new baby.